
What we’ve been working on.

AImee: Trust in Technology

Despite enormous advances, we’ve only seen a fraction of what the digital revolution has yet to deliver. New and emerging technologies just over the horizon will not only help us do things never before possible,

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Meet AImee: Trust and AI

AImee was created using several cutting-edge AI tools to help explain key technology topics and raise awareness around the need to drive trust into technologies for tomorrow. 

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Adam Golodner: Global trust and technology networks: Beware the trifurcation

Recently, I attended the annual Munich Security Conference and came away with a deepening concern about what I’m calling the “trifurcation” of the global technology ecosystem. The trifurcation is a further balkanization of the technology ecosystem as the West and China pull away from each other’s products and services, which is causing a bifurcation of global networks and data flows.

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Connected Healthcare

Connected Healthcare Connected Healthcare In a new survey, Trusted Future found Americans are adopting a broad range of connected health technologies to improve their daily

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