
The Global IT Crisis and Third Party Vulnerabilities

This week’s global IT crisis affecting businesses around the world should be a wake up call to us all.  DMA requirements for mandatory third party access to the operating system will make personal smartphones and tablets vulnerable to new and currently unimaginable emerging threats.

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Taking spyware and other mobile threats seriously

Last March, in the forward to the White House Cybersecurity strategy, the President wrote, “[W]hen we pick up our smart phones to keep in touch with loved ones, log on to social media to share our ideas with one another, or connect to the Internet to run a business, we need the ability to trust that the underlying digital ecosystem is safe, reliable, and secure.”

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Adam Golodner: Global trust and technology networks: Beware the trifurcation

Recently, I attended the annual Munich Security Conference and came away with a deepening concern about what I’m calling the “trifurcation” of the global technology ecosystem. The trifurcation is a further balkanization of the technology ecosystem as the West and China pull away from each other’s products and services, which is causing a bifurcation of global networks and data flows.

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