Have the “Tech Talk” and Help Your Kids Establish A Healthy Relationship With Technology

Parents often want to ensure that their children have a positive, productive and safe relationship with the technology they use. Technology has become a vital part of families’ everyday life – helping improve learning outcomes and keeping families connected throughout the day. Parents also understand that technology is critical to their children’s future.

From a recent Trusted Future survey of American parents:

  • What you earn is increasingly tied to what you learn, 87% of parents believe technology will help their children to keep learning throughout their lives – which can lead to a more prosperous future.
  • 85% of parents also believe that being adept at technology, and having basic technology skills will also help their children access good paying high-tech jobs of the future.
  • Nearly three-quarters think technology will make the lives of future generations easier than those of their parents.

But parents overwhelmingly agree that technology has created new challenges for parents. In order to unlock these opportunities and harness the potential that new technologies can bring, we must overcome these challenges, build trust into the very heart of our digital ecosystem, and give our kids the tools they need to succeed. In addition to teaching our children the basic cyber hygiene best practices that will persist into adulthood, parents recognize that they must work with their kids to ensure that they develop a healthy relationship with technology.